War in the 20th and 21st century/Der Krieg im 20ten und 21ten Jahrhundert. solicited manuscript by Kohlhammer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-17-03767-2
On the recommended reading list of the German Armed Forces
Reviewed in:
Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 14, 91–93 (2021)
Militaergeschichtliche Zeitschrift 81 (1): 408–412 (2022)
Stratos: Militärwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift der Schweizer Armee 50: 1–4 (2023)
Riemann, M & Löfflmann, G. (eds). Deutschlands Verteidigungspolitik: Nationale Sicherheit nach der Zeitenwende. (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag) ISBN: 978-3-17-043182-9
Contributors: Frank A. Stengel, Jana Puglierin, Severin Pleyer, Torben Schütz, Gustav Meibaur, Johannes Peters, Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan, Jennifer Menninger, Rolf Clement, Eva Högl, Kersten Lahl, Jorit Wintjes, Ilhan Acay, Heiko Borchert, Joseph Verbovszky
Riemann, M., et al. (eds.). Violent Non-State Actors in Modern Conflict (Hampshire: Howgate Publishing, 2020) ISBN: 978-1-912440-207
Contributors: Caroline Varin, Helle Malmvig, Jack Watling, Helene Olsen, Abigail Watson, Marina Miron, James Fargher, Julien Bastrup-Birk
Riemann, M., et al. (eds.). Fragile States: Challenges and Responses (Hampshire: Howgate Publishing, 2020) ISBN: 978-1-912440-15-3
Contributors: David Chandler, Jan Pospisil, Jonathan Fisher, Emily Knowles, Abigail Watson, Saul Rodriguez, Fabio Sanchez, Franky Matisek, Jacob Thomas-Llewellyn, Islam Goher
Riemann, M., et al. (eds.). War amongst the People: Critical Assessments (Hampshire: Howgate Publishing, 2019) ISBN: 978-1-912440-02-3
Contributors: General Sir Rupert Smith, Beatrice Heuser, Alex Waterman, Whitney Grespin, Vladimir Rauta, Georgina Holmes, Jyri Raitasalo, Andree-Anne Melancon, Grant Davies, Ian Wilson, John Bailey
Riemann, M. (2024) [awaiting DOI] The Mercenary’s Conditions of Possibility: Effeminacy, Modernity and the International. European Journal of International Relations.
Riemann, M. (2023). Studying Problematizations: The value of Carol Bacchi’s ‘What’s the problem represented to be?’ (WPR) methodology for IR. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. 48 (2): 151-169.
Riemann, M & Rossi, N. (2022). From Subject to Project: Mapping the Transformation of Subjectivity in the Armed Forces. Globalizations.
Riemann, M (2022). Mercenaries in/and History: The Problem of Ahistoricism and Contextualism in Mercenary Scholarship. Small Wars & Insurgencies.
Riemann, M. (2021). “‘As old as war itself’? Problematizing the eternal mercenary.” Journal of Global Security Studies
DOI. 2022 Merze Tate Prize Winner for best article in Historical IR
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2021). Security Force Assistance, Remote Warfare and Ontological Insecurity. Defence Studies. 21 (4): 489-507.
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2021). Crafting Diverse, Inclusive and Decolonized Military Leaders: A Strategy for Decolonizing Professional Military Education. Journal of Peace and War Studies. 3 (1): 235-247.
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2020). “The Perils of Public Health based approaches to Conflict Resolution.” Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 33 (4)
Riemann, M. (2019). “Problematizing the medicalization of violence: A critical discourse analysis of the ‘Cure Violence’ initiative.” Critical Public Health. 25 (2): 146-155
Riemann, M. (2014). “Conceptualising the Dichotomy between Private Military Contractors and Soldiers amid ‘society’.”Political Perspectives 8 (3): 1-15
Riemann. M & van der Meer, A. (2025 forthcoming) Privatisation and the Legal Regulation of Remote War. In Farrell, T. & Galliott, J. (eds.): Oxford Handbook on Remote Warfare. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Riemann. M (2025 forthcoming) Mercenaries and Neomediavelism: From History to Historicity. In Kinsey, C., Parr, R. & Cusumano, E. (eds.). The Past and Future of Private Force: Mercenaries and Security Contractors in the 21st Century. New York: Routledge.
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2024) Introducing Security Studies: An Applied Introduction. In Rossi, N. & Riemann, M. International Security: An Applied Introduction. SAGE Publishing.
Riemann, M. (2023) A Violent Cure? Problematizing the Cure Violence initiative. In Ellis, A. & Marques, O. (eds.). THUG Criminology: An Introduction. Toronto: Toronto University Press.
Riemann, M. & Löfflmann, G. (2023) Einleitung. In Riemann, M. & Löfflmann, G. (eds.). Deutschlands Verteidigungspolitik: Nationale Sicherheit nach der Zeitenwende. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
iemann, M. & Löfflmann, G. (2023) Quo Vadis Zeitenwende: Wind of Change oder Heiße Luft?. In Riemann, M. & Löfflmann, G. (eds.). Deutschlands Verteidigungspolitik: Nationale Sicherheit nach der Zeitenwende. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
Riemann, M. (2022). “Pandemics, Popular Culture and Problem-Based Gaming: Teaching state responses to disease control the ‘Undead Way’”. In Varin, C. & Hirani, C.: Games-Based Teaching in Higher Education. (London: Bloomsbury)
Riemann, M. (2022, forthcoming). “A Violent Cure? Problematizing the Cure Violence initiative”. In Ellis, A. & Marques, O. (eds.). THUG Criminology: An Introduction (Toronto: Toronto University Press)
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2021). “Remote Warfare: The socio-political effects of ever present/absent war”. In McKay, A. (ed.). Remote Warfare: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (E-International Relations)
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2021). “Conclusion: Violent Nonstate Actors – Silences, Binaries, Multiplication of Sovereignties?” in Riemann, M., et al. (eds.). Violent Non-State Actors in Modern Conflict(Hampshire: Howgate Publishing)
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. “Teaching in times of COVID-19: Developing and implementing a distant learning strategy for Officer Cadets” Wishstream Journal
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2019). “War, the People, and Politics.” Small Wars Journal
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2019). “Medicalizing Conflict: Public Health approaches to conflict resolution.”
Riemann, M. (2019). “The costs of treating urban violence as a ‘public health’ problem.” Discover Society65:1.
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2019). “Introduction: War Amongst the People – A Prism for Analysis?” in Riemann, M., et al. (eds.). War amongst the People (Hampshire: Howgate Publishing)
Riemann, M. & Rossi, N. (2019). “Conclusion” in Riemann, M., et al. (eds.). War amongst the People(Hampshire: Howgate Publishing)
Riemann, M. (2012). “A Genealogy of mercenarism: An analysis of changing perceptions towards ‘fighters who work for pay’.” Portal Militärgeschichte, Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte e.V.